Forest & REDD +
To ensure the preservation of forest ecosystems, Nitidæ's action is part of the REDD + mechanism (Reducing Emissions linked to Deforestation and Degradation of forests and forests). the role of conservation, sustainable forest management and the strengthening of forest carbon stocks, and is available through complementary actions...
Agriculture & Market
In a globalized economy, the pressure on natural resources increases and the scope for sustainable management of family farms decrease. Nitidæ helps agri-food sectors to respond to these growing and multidimensional challenges (food, economic, energy, environmental and social) by developing and implementing tools at different scales, from land to land territory...
Bioenergy & Waste
In many countries of the South, the energy needs of industries and populations are facing high costs and can lead to deforestation. To meet both local needs and constraints, Nitidæ offers adapted energy production solutions, reducing the pressure on the wood resource and increasing the added value related to raw product processing...