BNPA - Protection of biodiversity through the accession of the Beampingaratsy Reserve to Protected Area status
Main goals
Since 2018, Nitidæ has been leading the TALAKY project (Conservation and Enhancement of Forests, Intensification and Ecological Diversification of Agriculture, Concerted Sustainable Development) financed by the French Development Agency (AFD). In line with the two previous phases (Holistic Forest Conservation Program), Talaky's objective is to contribute to the preservation of natural forest ecosystems and to the improvement of the living conditions of the populations living in these forests. This project to be carried out with Rainforest Trust remains in the continuity of Talaky with a focus on the protection of biodiversity through the definitive protection of Beampingaratsy under the status of protected area.
Specific objectives
SO1. Support for the creation of the Beampingaratsy Protected Area and the sustainable management of the natural resources of the forest
SO2. Strengthen resilience and put in place incentives for environmental protection at the community level
R1. Creation of the protected area
R2. Support to the future manager of the protected area (local Nitidæ staff)
R3. Support to local communities as key stakeholders for effective conservation of Beampingaratsy
A1. Maintain a high level of knowledge of biodiversity and the environment (implementation of a research infrastructure, operationalization of a system for monitoring climate parameters), in particular with the use of data satellites to monitor deforestation and fires
A2. Redraw the landscape matrix by establishing areas of ecological interest (mini-forest Miyawaki approach)
A3. Operationalization of the surveillance system (hard and soft) and control of the forest block, in particular through the improvement of patrols and field surveillance by project staff and communities
A4. Provide an information system linked to knowledge of biodiversity (participatory forest monitoring)
A5. Equip and operationalize community forest resource management schemes, in particular by preparing the management of the protected area (tools and governance)
A6. Strengthen the resilience of communities to climatic hazards (cyclones), in particular by improving ecological monitoring using the detection index mechanism
A7. Promotion of the essential oils value chain
Related people

Ny Avy Andriamisaina
Forestry engineer, specialized on "Ecosystem and Biodiversity" and graduated from ESSA (Madagascar), she joined the team with her skills in biodiversity conservation, forest management and natural resources management. With her experience in assessing threats to protected areas, TNRM (Transfer of Natural Resources Management) and community support in conservation, she contributes to the implementation of different projects.

Tsoa Andrianamenosoa Rakotondrasoa Miaratiana
Engineer in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Antananarivo, holder of a Master 2 in planning and management of tropical ecosystems (University of Lomé), a Master in Agroecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change (University of Antananarivo and Montpellier SupAgro) and a Master in Agroecology and Resource Management from Bordeaux Sciences Agro. He coordinates the Nitidæ sub-office in Fort-Dauphin and brings his expertise to the setting up and coordination of two major projects in the southern and southeastern part of Madagascar: Talaky Be financed by AFD and the European Union and Beampingaratsy National Protected Area financed by the Rainforest Trust Foundation

Eddie Rakotondrasoa
Holder of a specialized higher education diploma in environmental sciences from the Faculty of Sciences (University of Antananarivo), he brings his expertise in the field of conservation and management of projects financed by the AFD or the European Union. His skills are currently exercised in the Beampingaratsy forest corridor, a forest in the southern part of Madagascar, currently being converted into a New Protected Area as part of the Beampingaratsy National Protected Area project

Thierry Rafanohizantsoa
He holds a DEA in Biodiversity and Environment from the University of Toliara, which involved research on the conservation status of a dozen endemic, rare and threatened plant species in the Mandrare valley in the south of Madagascar. He was a student at the ValBio Center at Stony Brook University, then head of the Honko-Reef Doctor project in the Ambondrolava mangrove. He was also project manager for social protection for the Madagascar Development Intervention Fund (FID)

Fabien Zikisà Benedicte
He holds a Master's degree in Zoology and Animal Biodiversity from the University of Antananarivo (Madagascar) obtained in 2017. Between 2018 and 2020, he was a research assistant for several Protected Areas. Then from 2021 to 2022, he was chief of operations in charge of conservation activities at the level of the Kirindy Mite National Park and the Andranomena Special Reserve

Jeanne Melissa Raharinosy
She holds a degree in Management, finance and accounting option from the Technical Training Institute (IFT). She has more than 5 years of experience at the Henri et Alain de Haulme (HAH) group as an accounting and human resources assistant

Jean Michel Nangalana
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, option basic scientific and technical knowledge and networks and systems and is currently training remotely in communication at the National Center for Tele-education in Madagascar. He has worked since 2011 in community relations and socio-organisational, as a trainer and facilitator

Tinarinoro Patricia Randriamialisoa
Forestry technician trained at the National Training Center for Forestry Technicians in Angavokely organized by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. This training allowed her to improve her skills in terms of ecological monitoring

Arnet Lambo
Graduated in Law from the University of Fianarantsoa in Madagascar, he first worked in the field of child and maternal health in the Androy and Anosy regions. In 2015, he joined the team of the NGO Seed Madagascar on Health, Population and Environment, in the Fort-Dauphin district. In 2019, he joined the team as a territorial planning technician for the TALAKY project then as an environmental education technician for the BNPA project

Loubien Octave Miharisoa
He holds a bachelor's degree. He has several experiences as regional facilitator of the Madagascar Pact, technical facilitator of the PHBM or even investigator in public hearings of Rio Tinto Madagascar Minerals. He also worked for WWF as a field officer on the PHCF1 project. He then joined the team as a technician in land planning, forestry, co-management and management of natural resources for the conservation of the New Protected Area of Beampingaratsy.

William Werner Mampandry
He holds a degree in geography obtained in 2012 from the University of Toliara. For 2 years he was a technician in natural resources management of the New Protected Area of Tsitongabarika for Asity (Bird Protection League), then a technician in agroforestry and beekeeping for the NGO SEED Madagascar between 2014 and 2016. He then joined the team as forestry technician, co-management and management of natural resources.
TALAKY - Forests conservation and valor…