CAMANAC - Market study of the cashew sector around the Bénoué National Park in Cameroon
Main goals
The main objective of this study is to better understand the current organization of the sector, its state of affairs but also its dynamics. This involves understanding the organization of each link (production, marketing, processing and consumption) of the value chain, as well as showing their interactions. The results of the study will make it possible to develop the priority actions of the FARE2 project.
Specific objectives
OS1. Creation and review of a thematic bibliography on the cashew sector in the Adamawa and North region in Cameroon and in the world.
OS2. Analysis of Cameroon's place in the global cashew market.
OS3. Analysis of the local market for cashew tree products around the Bénoué National Park.
OS4. Assessment of future trends and risks, in particular the dynamics influencing developments of the sector and then proposing hypotheses.
OS5. Development of recommendations for better local structuring and marketing strategy for the sector. Include the estimate of the necessary investments, in infrastructure or training, to implement these recommendations.
Related people

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