PSECACAO - Development of a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) system in the south-east of Côte d'Ivoire
Main goals
The objective of the project is to design and implement a supply chain scheme that promotes, incentivizes and rewards maintenance, conservation and restoration of existing on-farm native vegetation on cocoa farms in Cote d’Ivoire. The proposed project will focus the development of the PES scheme in the Mé Region, a priority zone of the Cocoa & Forest Initiative (CFI), while keeping the goal for Cargill to scale up the approach in other regions
Specific objectives
Phase 1 - Feasibility and design - field work to develop indicators and minimum conditions for farmers leading to the design of the PES scheme
Phase 2 - Training and Trial - Deployment of the scheme and training of Cargill’s team to implement and test the proposed scheme
Phase 3 - Evaluation of the scheme after a period of implementation
3 different cooperatives of different sizes and around 300 cocoas' fields
R1. The indicators to be monitored in the field with the detailed method to perform measurements on the field (data to be collected, tool to used, frequency and period of measurements, etc.) as a results of field inventories
R2. A calculator already set up for environmental services indicators to be used within the system
R3. A description of the strategies of farmers regarding tree cover as a result of field surveys containing an estimation of the size of the payment to be considered as an incentive by farmers
R4. A description of the way the monitoring will be included in the traceability system as a result to cooperatives analysis
R5. The costs of the system (for payment and monitoring) will be estimated for a deployment in the cooperatives of Cargill in the Mé region according to different scenarios to be implemented (different level of thresholds and modes of payments). Potential benefits from carbon valorization will also be assessed as projections
R6. The proposed system for the management of the PES scheme will be described as well as the method of deployment for a trial on all Cargill’s cooperatives (phase 2).
A1. Assessment of plantations’ characteristics and definition of indicators to be monitored: basal area, canopy cover, carbon stocks, trees specific diversity
A2. Assessment of farmer’s production strategies regarding tree cover and agroforestry systems undertaken in the cooperatives
A3. Assessment of cooperatives’ organization and management system, monitoring systems, robustness of traceability systems, data collection for costs estimation of such a scheme, etc.
A4. Desk analysis: Economic projections of the PES costs (financial model) and potential benefits and, redaction of the feasibility report
A5. Workshop to present the results obtained and the proposed PES scheme. At the end of the workshop, the modalities of the scheme to be tested in Phase 2 will have to be established
A6. Production of the manuals and pedagogical tools to be used on the field by Cargill’s teams
A7. Organization of training sessions and presentation of those manuals
A8. Deployment on the field by Cargill’s team
A9. Regular visit of Nitidæ’s team on a random sampling of fields and cooperative to help operators and perform a quality control
A10. Integration of feedbacks and improvement of the PES system and manuals if necessary
A11. Production of a report presenting the final version of the PES scheme to be implemented with a calendar concerning the evaluation of the system
A12. Long-term assistance on technical issues (measurements, flow of data, traceability...) and on some modifications if the system becomes unsuited to production or sale conditions
A13. If necessary, a possible reorientation of the scheme will be carried out because of new objectives or new environmental services to be paid for
Related people
Benjamin Garnier
Agricultural Engineer, specialised in "quality of the environment and resources management", from the French National School of Agricultural Science and Engineering of Toulouse (INP ENSAT). He brings his expertise in feasibility studies for investment funds, agricultural markets studies and analysis of value chains
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A botanist by training, Rolande holds a Master 2 in Plant Systematics, Ecology and Biodiversity. She joined the Nitidae team in 2018 and mainly brings her expertise in the areas of agroforestry (SAF cocoa trees, floristic inventories, ecosystem services, etc.), organic agriculture and fair trade (cocoa certification reference EOS, FFL label, documentary review and audit). After holding the position of Agro-Botanist within the Mé REDD+ Project, she is now in charge of coordinating the activities carried out by Nitidæ within the Cocoa4Future and Terri4Sol projects.
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PhD in Forest sciences conducted at INRA Avignon, EMMAH research lab, she brings her expertise in forest ecology, support for REDD+ mechanism and carbon accounting, Environmental and social impact assessment of projects, project management and supervision of technical work
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