Discover NTFPs of high economic interest in the Mé Region through a catalogue.
NTFPs help to generate income for cocoa farmers and are used to satisfy needs related to food, traditional pharmacopoeia, handicrafts, ornamentation and even religious or socio-cultural practices. Producers have in-depth knowledge of the non-timber forest products around them and their uses, and their exploitation is intended not only for self-consumption but also for marketing. It is important to broaden and deepen our knowledge of the economic value, uses and management of these products in traditional agroforestry systems.
Thus, as part of the identification of products other than cocoa (NTFPs in particular) and support for their marketing through the Cocoa 4 future project, support through the dissemination of certain species likely to be associated with cocoa trees, of high economic and commercial interest, is summarised in this catalogue.
Authors: Ettien Rolande, Tokou Antoinette, Benjamin Garnier, Noémie Rullier
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