CACAOSIDI - Macro analysis of agro-ecological transition challenges and diagnosis of different agrarian systems in the Ivorian cocoa region to build a knowledge basis
Main goals
Construction of a knowledge basis of different agrarian systems of the Ivorian region helped with a synthesis work of various existing ones. This study should be done on three levels:
- An agrarian diagnosis conducted over the past 10 years in the country.
- A more specific study of the cocoa sector in the area of intervention of one or many cocoa organizations of cocoa producers' (POs) that are partners with SIDI and its fund dedicated to Africa called FEFISOL, which has been financing them for many years.
- An analysis of the role of a PO in the area and more specifically in its relationship with its members and about the effectiveness of its support (collect/transport of products, respect of fixed purchase prices, pre-financing, supply of inputs, technical trainings, participation in gouvernance, community development project financed by Faitrade bonuses.
Specific objectives
SO1. Create a bibliography and a capitalization of the existing work as well as a synthesis of the studies carried out by Nitidæ (or other organizations) and various agrarian diagnosis made by APT in Ivory Coast.
SO2. Also use the mapping resources available to establish different situations at the country level (deforestation, soil degradation, soil use evolution, swollen shoot pressure, production areas...).
SO3. Analysis of services provided by the cooperative, especially the economical impact model of service at the level of producer's members.
SO4. A particularly dynamic cooperative with a good relationship with its producers will be selected.
SO5. Give a definition of what an "agro-ecological transition" means in Ivory Coast, and especially in the cocoa sector.
The work will be carried out in close collaboration with SIDI/FEFISOL teams that are financing cooperatives all Fairtrade certified.
Those POs have different sizes and are implemented in a wide variety of regions:
- ECOOKIM, a union including 23 cooperatives and 22 000 members throughout the cocoa zone.
- SOCAK, a 3 000 members cooperative located in Duékoué.
- CADESA COOP Adebem, nearby Lakota, 2 500 members.
- ECAM, Méagui, nearby Soubré, 2 700 members.
- SOCOPACDI, Hermankono, nearby Divo, 1 500 members.
- SCEB, Tiassalé, about 100 members and 100% organic.
R1. National synthesis of agrarian diagnosis carried out over the last 10 years, highlighting the recent dynamics of the country.
R2. Understand, document and compare cooperatives' role in the support of the agro-ecological transition with other collected information.
R3. Implementation of monitoring tools of the agro-ecological transition applicable to the the targeted levels.
R4. Description of the main socio-economical and environnemental issues of the cocoa sector at different level.
R5. Critical analysis of the operation, the role and the socio-economical and environmental impacts of cocoa producers'organizations as detailed recommandations for POs and SIDI by improving both their socio-economic, politic and environmental impact as the producers' organization and therefore their financing.
A1. Nitidæ has developed a territorial analysis methodology allowing the establishment of a diagnosis of natural ressources, market dynamics and activity systems that permits a better understandment of interrelations between natural environments and human activity. This detailed analysis will not be undertake within the framework of this mission, however this method could be used to address important issues related to agro-ecological transition of territories.
A2. Targeting of cocoa areas through reforms done by the Coffee-Cocoa Council which has been impelled by Alassane Ouattara since 2010, also with the appearance of new labels.

Organizations of cocoa producers' supported by the FEFISOL fund of SIDI
Related people
Cédric Rabany
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