MALUX - Study on market dynamics and trade flows of the rice, sesame and fonio sectors in the intervention areas of the LUXDEV program Study of the financing mechanism for the agricultural value chains of Amassa / Afrique Verte Mali
Main goals
- Study on market dynamics and trade flows of the rice, sesame and fonio sectors in the intervention areas of the MLI / 021 program
- Evaluation of the agricultural value chain financing mechanism of the NGO AMASSA / AFRIQUE VERTE MALI
Specific objectives
- Identification of convergence points (especially street markets) to understand why producers are moving towards this type of market
- Description of the marketing circuit for rice, fonio, sesame and volumes traded on different types of markets
- Support to the following partners: AOPP; rice and sesame joint-trade organizations and multi-actor fonio platform; 4 sesame and fonio companies
- Develop a financing mechanism for agricultural organizations and for marketing of agricultural products
** R1. ** Propositions defining the strategies, an operational plan and relevant actions to be implemented for the development of fonio, lowland rice and sesame through sales in the intervention area of the MLI / 021 project and, more precisely:
** R2. ** Mapping of trade and exchange flows in key markets and their needs and requirements
** R3. ** Analysis of the dynamics of the 3 sectors’ weekly and peri-urban markets
** R4. ** Guidance note on the main actions to be carried out as part of the marketing-support strategy
** A1. ** Analysis of 3 value chains and their market
** A2. ** Evaluate and describe the financing mechanism of AMASSA
** A3. ** Propose a rapid operational financing strategy adapted to the needs of the ML / 021 project’s beneficiaries
** A4. ** Define the implementation modalities in terms of negotiation and contractualization by referring to practices already used by AMASSA
** A5. ** Analyze the efficiency and cost of a transfer of the "financing" activity with AMASSA and its financial partner
** A6. ** Determine the risks and selection criteria relevant to the allocation of funding to POs and MPEs
** A7. ** Capitalize on the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of AMASSA's financial intermediation
** A8. ** Assess the viability of the financial intermediation mechanism beyond the support to the project, to ensure sustained financial support to POs and MPEs
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Study on market dynamics and trade flows of the rice, sesame and fonio sectors in the intervention areas of the MLI / 021 program (LUXDEV)
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