ACAMOZ 2 - Support for cashew and macadamia value chains in Mozambique
Main goals
Contribute to improving the competitiveness of the cashew and macadamia value chains in Mozambique.
Specific objectives
SO1. Feed sectoral policies with innovative production, processing and marketing models that enable the improvement of the quality of kernels (cashew nuts and macadamia), while preserving the environment.
SO2. Promote agroecological cashew and macadamia production systems, zero deforestation, adapted to climate change
SO3. Strengthen the sustainable management of natural resources in the buffer zone of the Gilé National Park
SO4. Promote the integration of macadamia into coffee agroforestry systems (Montes Namuli, Gurué)
SO5. Contribute to improving the food security of producer families
SO6. Strengthen the importance of gender at the institutional level and in the field
- MADER (The Minister of Agriculture)
- PNAG (Gilé National Park)
- SDAE (Servico Distrital das Actividades Economicas)
- 3,000 households around the Gilé National Park (Zambezia Province) including 40% women
- Private macadamia companies and small macadamia & coffee producers from Gurué (Zambezia Province) and/or Niassa Province
- AICAJU (Association of Cashew Nut Processors in Mozambique)
- ACIANA (Association of Exporters in Mozambique)
- AMM (Association of Macadamia Producers in Mozambique)
R1. Households around the PNAG, in the districts of Gilé and Pebane (Zambézia) adopt technical proposals that increase the resilience of their production systems, compatible with the preservation of the environment and ensuring them better income and food security.
R2. Macadamia production models adapted to household rationality are tested in the district of Gurué, the province of Zambézia and/or in the province of Niassa and feed into sectoral strategies.
R3. The governance of the nuts sector (cashew and macadamia) is strengthened by greater collaboration between value chain stakeholders and by the development of policies, strategies and tools that integrate the results of studies and pilot projects.
A1. Extension of the cashew production valorization methodologies which were validated in the first phase of the project
A2. Consolidation of the 41 producer organizations established during the first phase of the project
A3. Co-construction, testing, validation and dissemination of production techniques that preserve the environment, improve household food security and are adapted to climate change
A4. Application of innovative models to increase the economic and environmental benefits of the local sale and processing of cashew nuts
A5. Strengthening sustainable management of natural resources in the buffer zone of Gilé National Park
A6. Analysis of possible models of macadamia production systems, integrating the family sector
A7. Co-construction of models of integration of the family sector and the private sector in regions suitable for macadamia
A8. Implementation of the pilot experiment
A9. Strengthen the data collection and dissemination mechanism of the N’kalo market information system in Mozambique
A10. Contribute to the reflections of the IAM for the revision of its existing policies and strategies linked to the cashew sector as well as in supporting its reflections in the macadamia sector
A11. Development of research for agroecological intensification in the cashew value chain
A12. Support for operators in both value chains
Related documents

ACAMOZ 2 progress report from June to December 2023 - Support for the cashew and macadamia value chain in Mozambique

Methodology manual for group selling in producer groups and improving the quality of cashew nuts

Report on the Mozambican Macadamia Value Chain, assessment of its potential and recommendations to the IAM, IP

Relatório sobre a Cadeia de Valor da Macadâmia em Moçambique, avaliação do seu potencial e recomendações para o IAM, IP

Competitiveness of the cashew nut industry in Mozambique (English)

Competitiveness of the cashew nut industry in Mozambique (Portuguese)
Related people
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ACAMOZ - Support to the cashew nut valu…