PHCF2 - Holistic Conservation Programme for Forests in Madagascar (Phase 2)
Main goals
Phase 2 aims at extending and enhancing the results achieved during the first phase on two sites :
- COMATSA : 225 000 ha part of Sava, Diana and Sofia regions, up North next to Sambava.
- Beampingaratsy : 55 000 ha part of Anosy region and close to Fort-Dauphin (South).
Specific objectives
- Reinforcement of conservation activities initiated in PHCF 1.
- Reinforcement of alternative, sustainable agricultural practices.
- Continue project activities via carbon funding and contribute to national REDD+ strategy.
1350 agricultural households 1100 ha of forests
R1. Both protected areas (NAP) are best handled
R2. Agricultural practices are improved and diversified
R3. Carbon credits generate additional income for people
A1. Sustain the two new protected areas (NAP) and the 54 transfer of their Natural Resources Management (TGRN) by supporting local Communities (COBA) committed to forest management (reforestation / restoration activities) :training on associative management and financial management, implementation of participative ecological monitoring, tracking of timber permits.
A2. Follow-up monitoring and secure land : reforestation of 575 ha during PHCF I. Initiate reforestation on an additional 300 hectares of land by COBAs.
A3. Support the implementation of 320 ha from the ecological restoration plan.
A4. Support COBAs in agricultural land's planning and management via 34 planning and management plans and the establishment of 3 tenure offices that allows land tenure.
A5. Training of 1,350 households for agro-ecological techniques, representing 1/3 of COBAs' households.
A6. Sustainably convert 600 ha of agricultural areas next to deforestation fronts : establishment of dispersed pilote plots, soil fertilization management, agroforestry development, etc.
A7. Eco-intensive rice cultivation in the shallows (SRI-SRA), in order to optimize irrigation structures built during PHCF I.
A8. Recognizing the most relevant cash crops, by site : vanilla, clove, pink pepper, litchi, citrus fruits, sesame, etc.
A9. Continue accounting carbon that started during Phase I via the publication of scientific articles and two additional thesis (on remote sensing and soil carbon).
A10. Drafting and review of two REDD+ project documents for each site, authorizing carbon credit marketing to ensure the sustainability and continuity of field activities.
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